Tommy's Big Dilemma" / Eytan M. Debbi"
Debbi Ofakim, 34 pg., 2008
The author Eytan M. Debbi is a remarkable young man who graduated Summa Cum Laude from Yale University. He is currently pursuing a medical degree. Tommy’s Big Dilemma – A Book About Surfboarding is the third and final installment in a trilogy of children’s books. In this series the author has succeeded in capturing the young reader’s interest in challenging sport activities that some might otherwise find intimidating. “When I was young,” says Debbi, “I always found it easier to learn by example. By continually watching others participate in an activity, I found that my fear of the unknown would gradually dissipate, and I would eventually muster the courage to try it myself. I wanted to give Tommy the opportunity to try challenging new sports, but not without the help of an older brother from whom he could watch and learn.” The eldest of four boys, Eytan received this kind of mentorship from his father and provided it for his younger brothers. “My hope,” the author states with measured optimism, “is that Tommy will have that kind of effect on other young people".
The first and second installments in this trilogy are entitled: Tommy's Close Call – A Book About Snowboarding, and Tommy's Big Mistake – A Book About Skateboarding. Each book in this trilogy provides the young reader with a valuable life lesson. While these books may very well give healthy youngsters the courage and desire to try new things, they can also be of great encouragement to less fortunate children. Through this series of books, blind or otherwise disabled children can experience the thrill of these formerly unreachable activities. Be on the lookout for the author’s next series of books, on topics ranging from deep sea diving to mountain climbing, also to be out in print soon.