(Ticho – The Story of a Family" / Miri Debbi (Kritzler"
Debbi 0fakim, 372 pg., 1994
The expression "From the days of Ticho", whose sources are not at all clear, are well imbedded in the Israeli slang. Showing how rooted the family is. The name "Ticho" is known to every Israeli thanks to the Jerusalem opthamologist Dr. Albert Ticho, and his wife the artist, Anna Ticho.
In TICHO – The Story Of A Family, Miri Debbi (Kritzler) from the branch of the Ticho family – tells of the wide and exciting scope of the family, with its wandering and fate from 150 years ago in Central Europe till today.
Prosperity, integration in the European society, holocaust and extermination, immigration and redemption, dispersion and yearning are woven in this web, typical of Central Europe Judaism in recent generations.